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Estimated Date of Birth Flag

Table summarising information on the field: Estimated Date of Birth Flag
Title: Estimated Date of Birth Flag
Name: DoBFlag
Type: Char[1]
RecType: PER
RecOrder: 10
Definition: Flag to indicate whether the person's date of birth is accurate or an estimate
  • 1: Date of birth is accurate
  • 2: Date of birth is an estimate
  • 8: Date of birth is a "dummy" date (ie, 09099999)
  • 9: Accuracy of stated date of birth is not known
Notes:Optional data element providing additional information regarding the quality of date of birth data. Code 1 should be used when it is known that the reported date of birth is accurate, code 2 when it is known that one or more parts of the date of birth is an estimate, code 8 when birth date is unknown and a 'dummy' date of birth has been used (that is, 09099999), and code 9 when it is not known whether the date of birth is accurate or an estimate.
Missing: 9
Meteor ID: Field Meteor ID number