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SKL version 02.10: Rules

Table detailing the rules for specification: SKL
Name Class Priority Bulk Message Mark Description SQL
HrGenDtMissing Missing High No Missing data - GenDt $GenDt.q HR.GenDt Missing data - Data File Generation Date (GenDt) select State, GenDt from HR where GenDt is null
StStateNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - StateName $StateName.q ST.StateName Missing data - State/Territory Name (StateName) select State, StateName from ST where StateName is null
RegRegNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - RegName $RegName.q REG.RegName Missing data - Region Name (RegName) select State, RegId, RegName from REG where RegName is null
OrgOrgNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - OrgName $OrgName.q ORG.OrgName Missing data - Organisation Name (OrgName) select State, RegId, OrgId, OrgName from ORG where OrgName is null
HospSectorMissing Missing High No Missing data - Sector $Sector.q HOSP.Sector Missing data - Sector (Sector) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, Sector from HOSP where Sector is null
HospHospNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - HospName $HospName.q HOSP.HospName Missing data - Hospital Name (HospName) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, HospName from HOSP where HospName is null
ClusClusNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - ClusName $ClusName.q CLUS.ClusName Missing data - Service Unit Cluster Name (ClusName) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ClusName from CLUS where ClusName is null
AdmiTargetPopMissing Missing High No Missing data - TargetPop $TargetPop.q ADMI.TargetPop Missing data - Target Population (TargetPop) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, TargetPop from ADMI where TargetPop is null
AdmiAdmiNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - AdmiName $AdmiName.q ADMI.AdmiName Missing data - Admitted Patient Service Unit Name (AdmiName) select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, AdmiName from ADMI where AdmiName is null
AmbuTargetPopMissing Missing High No Missing data - TargetPop $TargetPop.q AMBU.TargetPop Missing data - Target Population (TargetPop) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, TargetPop from AMBU where TargetPop is null
AmbuSectorMissing Missing High No Missing data - Sector $Sector.q AMBU.Sector Missing data - Sector (Sector) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, Sector from AMBU where Sector is null
AmbuAmbuNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - AmbuName $AmbuName.q AMBU.AmbuName Missing data - Ambulatory Service Unit Name (AmbuName) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, AmbuName from AMBU where AmbuName is null
ResiTargetPopMissing Missing High No Missing data - TargetPop $TargetPop.q RESI.TargetPop Missing data - Target Population (TargetPop) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, TargetPop from RESI where TargetPop is null
ResiSectorMissing Missing High No Missing data - Sector $Sector.q RESI.Sector Missing data - Sector (Sector) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, Sector from RESI where Sector is null
ResiResiNameMissing Missing High No Missing data - ResiName $ResiName.q RESI.ResiName Missing data - Residential Service Unit Name (ResiName) select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, ResiName from RESI where ResiName is null
OrgBarren Barren High No ORG has no CLUS or HOSP records ORG Barren Organisation - has no associated Hospitals or Service Unit Clusters select State, RegId, OrgId from OrgHospCount join OrgClusCount using(State, RegId, OrgId) where OrgHospCount.Count = 0 and OrgClusCount.Count = 0
ClusBarren Barren High No CLUS has no AMBU or RESI records CLUS Barren Cluster - has no associated Residential or Ambulatory service units select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId from ClusAmbuCount join ClusResiCount using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) where ClusAmbuCount.Count = 0 and ClusResiCount.Count = 0
RegOpened Historical High No Reg opened, $RegName.qt (RegId: $RegId) not in historical data REG Region Opened - A matching Region was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, REG.RegName from main.REG left join hist.REG as hist_entity using (State, RegId) where hist_entity.RegId is null
RegClosed Historical High Yes Reg closed, historical $hist_name.qt (RegId: $hist_RegId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Region Closed - A historical Region was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.RegName as hist_name from hist.REG as hist_entity left join main.REG using (State, RegId) where REG.RegId is null
RegRenamed Historical High No Reg renamed from $hist_name.qt to $RegName.qt REG.RegName Region Renamed - Region Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, REG.RegName, hist_entity.RegName as hist_name from REG join hist.REG as hist_entity using(State, RegId) where not sloppy_match(REG.RegName, hist_entity.RegName)
OrgOpened Historical High No Org opened, $OrgName.qt (OrgId: $OrgId) not in historical data ORG Organisation Opened - A matching Organisation was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, OrgId, ORG.OrgName from main.ORG left join hist.ORG as hist_entity using (State, RegId, OrgId) where hist_entity.OrgId is null
OrgClosed Historical High Yes Org closed, historical $hist_name.qt (OrgId: $hist_OrgId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Organisation Closed - A historical Organisation was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.OrgId as hist_OrgId, ' (' ||RegName || ')' as hist_context, hist_entity.OrgName as hist_name from hist.ORG as hist_entity left join main.ORG using (State, RegId, OrgId) join hist.REG using (State, RegId) where ORG.OrgId is null
OrgRenamed Historical High No Org renamed from $hist_name.qt to $OrgName.qt ORG.OrgName Organisation Renamed - Organisation Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ORG.OrgName, hist_entity.OrgName as hist_name from ORG join hist.ORG as hist_entity using(State, RegId, OrgId) where not sloppy_match(ORG.OrgName, hist_entity.OrgName)
HospOpened Historical High No Hosp opened, $HospName.qt (HospId: $HospId) not in historical data HOSP Hospital Opened - A matching Hospital was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, HOSP.HospName from main.HOSP left join hist.HOSP as hist_entity using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where hist_entity.HospId is null
HospClosed Historical High Yes Hosp closed, historical $hist_name.qt (HospId: $hist_HospId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Hospital Closed - A historical Hospital was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.OrgId as hist_OrgId, hist_entity.HospId as hist_HospId, ' (' ||OrgName || '; ' || RegName || ')' as hist_context, hist_entity.HospName as hist_name from hist.HOSP as hist_entity left join main.HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) join hist.ORG using (State, RegId, OrgId) join hist.REG using (State, RegId) where HOSP.HospId is null
HospRenamed Historical High No Hosp renamed from $hist_name.qt to $HospName.qt HOSP.HospName Hospital Renamed - Hospital Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, HOSP.HospName, hist_entity.HospName as hist_name from HOSP join hist.HOSP as hist_entity using(State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where not sloppy_match(HOSP.HospName, hist_entity.HospName)
ClusOpened Historical High No Clus opened, $ClusName.qt (ClusId: $ClusId) not in historical data CLUS Service Unit Cluster Opened - A matching Service Unit Cluster was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, CLUS.ClusName from main.CLUS left join hist.CLUS as hist_entity using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) where hist_entity.ClusId is null
ClusClosed Historical High Yes Clus closed, historical $hist_name.qt (ClusId: $hist_ClusId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Service Unit Cluster Closed - A historical Service Unit Cluster was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.OrgId as hist_OrgId, hist_entity.ClusId as hist_ClusId, ' (' ||OrgName || '; ' || RegName || ')' as hist_context, hist_entity.ClusName as hist_name from hist.CLUS as hist_entity left join main.CLUS using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) join hist.ORG using (State, RegId, OrgId) join hist.REG using (State, RegId) where CLUS.ClusId is null
ClusRenamed Historical High No Clus renamed from $hist_name.qt to $ClusName.qt CLUS.ClusName Service Unit Cluster Renamed - Service Unit Cluster Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, CLUS.ClusName, hist_entity.ClusName as hist_name from CLUS join hist.CLUS as hist_entity using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) where not sloppy_match(CLUS.ClusName, hist_entity.ClusName)
AdmiOpened Historical High No Admi opened, $AdmiName.qt (AdmiId: $AdmiId) not in historical data ADMI Admitted Patient Service Unit Opened - A matching Admitted Patient Service Unit was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, ADMI.AdmiName from main.ADMI left join hist.ADMI as hist_entity using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) where hist_entity.AdmiId is null
AdmiClosed Historical High Yes Admi closed, historical $hist_name.qt (AdmiId: $hist_AdmiId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Admitted Patient Service Unit Closed - A historical Admitted Patient Service Unit was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.OrgId as hist_OrgId, hist_entity.HospId as hist_HospId, hist_entity.AdmiId as hist_AdmiId, ' (' ||HospName || '; ' || OrgName || '; ' || RegName || ')' as hist_context, hist_entity.AdmiName as hist_name from hist.ADMI as hist_entity left join main.ADMI using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) join hist.HOSP using (State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) join hist.ORG using (State, RegId, OrgId) join hist.REG using (State, RegId) where ADMI.AdmiId is null
AdmiRenamed Historical High No Admi renamed from $hist_name.qt to $AdmiName.qt ADMI.AdmiName Admitted Patient Service Unit Renamed - Admitted Patient Service Unit Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, ADMI.AdmiName, hist_entity.AdmiName as hist_name from ADMI join hist.ADMI as hist_entity using(State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) where not sloppy_match(ADMI.AdmiName, hist_entity.AdmiName)
ResiOpened Historical High No Resi opened, $ResiName.qt (ResiId: $ResiId) not in historical data RESI Residential Service Unit Opened - A matching Residential Service Unit was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, RESI.ResiName from main.RESI left join hist.RESI as hist_entity using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) where hist_entity.ResiId is null
ResiClosed Historical High Yes Resi closed, historical $hist_name.qt (ResiId: $hist_ResiId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Residential Service Unit Closed - A historical Residential Service Unit was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.OrgId as hist_OrgId, hist_entity.ClusId as hist_ClusId, hist_entity.ResiId as hist_ResiId, ' (' ||ClusName || '; ' || OrgName || '; ' || RegName || ')' as hist_context, hist_entity.ResiName as hist_name from hist.RESI as hist_entity left join main.RESI using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) join hist.CLUS using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) join hist.ORG using (State, RegId, OrgId) join hist.REG using (State, RegId) where RESI.ResiId is null
ResiRenamed Historical High No Resi renamed from $hist_name.qt to $ResiName.qt RESI.ResiName Residential Service Unit Renamed - Residential Service Unit Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, RESI.ResiName, hist_entity.ResiName as hist_name from RESI join hist.RESI as hist_entity using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) where not sloppy_match(RESI.ResiName, hist_entity.ResiName)
AmbuOpened Historical High No Ambu opened, $AmbuName.qt (AmbuId: $AmbuId) not in historical data AMBU Ambulatory Service Unit Opened - A matching Ambulatory Service Unit was not found in the historical data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, AMBU.AmbuName from main.AMBU left join hist.AMBU as hist_entity using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) where hist_entity.AmbuId is null
AmbuClosed Historical High Yes Ambu closed, historical $hist_name.qt (AmbuId: $hist_AmbuId) no longer exists $hist_context ST Ambulatory Service Unit Closed - A historical Ambulatory Service Unit was not found in current data select hist_entity.State as State, hist_entity.State as hist_State, hist_entity.RegId as hist_RegId, hist_entity.OrgId as hist_OrgId, hist_entity.ClusId as hist_ClusId, hist_entity.AmbuId as hist_AmbuId, ' (' ||ClusName || '; ' || OrgName || '; ' || RegName || ')' as hist_context, hist_entity.AmbuName as hist_name from hist.AMBU as hist_entity left join main.AMBU using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) join hist.CLUS using (State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId) join hist.ORG using (State, RegId, OrgId) join hist.REG using (State, RegId) where AMBU.AmbuId is null
AmbuRenamed Historical High No Ambu renamed from $hist_name.qt to $AmbuName.qt AMBU.AmbuName Ambulatory Service Unit Renamed - Ambulatory Service Unit Name differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, AMBU.AmbuName, hist_entity.AmbuName as hist_name from AMBU join hist.AMBU as hist_entity using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) where not sloppy_match(AMBU.AmbuName, hist_entity.AmbuName)
HospSectorChanged Historical High No Hospital Sector changed from $hist_Sector to $Sector HOSP.Sector Sector Changed - Sector value for Hospital differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, HOSP.Sector, hist_HOSP.Sector as hist_Sector from HOSP join hist.HOSP as hist_HOSP using(State, RegId, OrgId, HospId) where HOSP.Sector != hist_HOSP.Sector
AdmiTargetPopChanged Historical High No Admitted Patient Service Unit TargetPop changed from $hist_TargetPop to $TargetPop ADMI.TargetPop Target Population Changed - Target Population value for Admitted Patient Service Unit differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId, ADMI.TargetPop, hist_ADMI.TargetPop as hist_TargetPop from ADMI join hist.ADMI as hist_ADMI using(State, RegId, OrgId, HospId, AdmiId) where ADMI.TargetPop != hist_ADMI.TargetPop
ResiTargetPopChanged Historical High No Residential Service Unit TargetPop changed from $hist_TargetPop to $TargetPop RESI.TargetPop Target Population Changed - Target Population value for Residential Service Unit differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, RESI.TargetPop, hist_RESI.TargetPop as hist_TargetPop from RESI join hist.RESI as hist_RESI using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) where RESI.TargetPop != hist_RESI.TargetPop
ResiSectorChanged Historical High No Residential Service Unit Sector changed from $hist_Sector to $Sector RESI.Sector Sector Changed - Sector value for Residential Service Unit differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId, RESI.Sector, hist_RESI.Sector as hist_Sector from RESI join hist.RESI as hist_RESI using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, ResiId) where RESI.Sector != hist_RESI.Sector
AmbuTargetPopChanged Historical High No Ambulatory Service Unit TargetPop changed from $hist_TargetPop to $TargetPop AMBU.TargetPop Target Population Changed - Target Population value for Ambulatory Service Unit differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, AMBU.TargetPop, hist_AMBU.TargetPop as hist_TargetPop from AMBU join hist.AMBU as hist_AMBU using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) where AMBU.TargetPop != hist_AMBU.TargetPop
AmbuSectorChanged Historical High No Ambulatory Service Unit Sector changed from $hist_Sector to $Sector AMBU.Sector Sector Changed - Sector value for Ambulatory Service Unit differs between historical and current data select State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId, AMBU.Sector, hist_AMBU.Sector as hist_Sector from AMBU join hist.AMBU as hist_AMBU using(State, RegId, OrgId, ClusId, AmbuId) where AMBU.Sector != hist_AMBU.Sector