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Admitted Patient Service Unit Details

Table summarising details for record type: ADMI
Name Data Element Type[Length] Start Domain Abbreviated
RecType Record Type Char[8] 1 ADMI
State State/Territory Identifier Char[1] 9 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
RegId Region Identifier Char[2] 10 "AA: Region (values as specified by individual..."
OrgId Organisation Identifier Char[4] 12 "AAAA: Mental health service organisation..."
HospId Hospital Identifier Char[5] 16 "AAAAA: Hospital identifier (equals Establishmen..."
AdmiId Admitted Patient Service Unit Identifier Char[6] 21 "AAAAAA: Service unit identifier. Identifiers..."
Blank3 Blank 3 Spacing Field Blank[3] 27 ""
TargetPop Target Population Char[1] 30 1,2,3,4,5,7
Blank1 Blank 1 Spacing Field Blank[1] 31 ""
AdmiName Admitted Patient Service Unit Name Char[100] 32 "Common name used to identify the service unit."
Blank48 Blank 48 Spacing Field Blank[48] 132 ""

Record Length = 179